Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Inside Him, a story by Petzie

*Copyrighted by Petzie. This is a story originally by me. Please don't copy this anywhere without my permission. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Sesaat Luv melihat ke dalam keremangan cahaya di kamarnya. “Aku tertidur yah..?”, pikirnya. Merasa merentek-rentek badannya, ia bangun dari tidurnya dan mencoba untuk duduk. Setelah berhasil untuk duduk, Luv melihat ke depannya, ia melihat cewe yang sangat kurus, dengan mata yang sembab dan kehitam-hitaman bagian bawahnya serta baju yang lecek.

Monday, 28 January 2013

A fragile thing

I know it's been a while since I write anything. I just think I need to take a time to reflect on myself and breathe.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Gibberish talk

Today I went to my dentist and doin some fixing on my teeth,and honestly, i never really satisfied with my teeth,, huhuhu..and on my way home, I look into people's face in my angkot and I said to myself : "Well, people sure have different faces..