Saturday, 7 January 2017

A Tale to Tell (part 1)

It's been a while since I write in this blog..
Tadinya aku berencana mengunggah perjalanan hidupku di Why? Some experience from my past employer teach me quite a few things about website and all.

Disini aku akan coba menceritakan pengalaman hidupku, oh, yes, I will try to keep this post updated.
So, here I am, in my years after marriage life, me and my husband has been trying to keep the life well and good for both of us.

We bumped into some problem here and there, I can't really go into details, but we always manage to get out of it. One way or another, with or without debate and tears, we always figure out the ways to keep our heart and steps on track.

You know, I've been married for a year and half now (well, at least almost), and God still haven't given us any baby yet. I gotta admit, I am not really into exercise and to be honest, I've only checked the state of TORCH in me just a couple days earlier. Thank God there is nothing to be concluded there; I am healthy and fit to have a kid and there are no virus that can affect my future kids and all.

I am thinking, there are just too many things on the web about the reasons why someone still haven't been blessed with babies. Aku barusan baca blog orang, menceritakan tentang toko obat Tay Seng Ho, dimana aku juga direkomendasikan oleh kung-kung (kakek) untuk mencoba datang kesana, cek badan dll.

Di blog tersebut panjaaaaang lebar penjelasannya, tentang cara apa saja yang penulis gunakan dan dokter mana saja yang didatangi untuk mempermudah dan mengecheck kondisi mereka dan apa saja yang kurang untuk bisa mempunyai seorang anak.

Kesimpulan yang kubaca dari blog tersebut adalah, perjalanan mereka tidak mudah. Mereka baru menikah 2 tahun, dan perjalanan itupun jungkir balik di dalam mendapatkan ketrunan, but by the end of the posts, penulis akhirnya mendapatkan happy ending: kid in her womb.

Aku bahagia untuknya dan aku bingung juga, should I save every doctor recommendations and place recommendations from the writer? So that I too, can check those places out and find out the best ways to have kid?

Kupikir-pikir, kupikir-pikir, sepertinya tidak begitu juga caranya. Di dalam blog tersebut, the writer state that she undergo some serious check ups, while it seems that there's nothing wrong with her, other doctor told her that there appears to be  something wrong within her, I can't remember what. And apparently her husband has never undergo any check: sperm analysis and BANG! the problem is with him (why?) coz exactly after the doctor gave him medicine and all to fix his sperm, it wasn't long before the writer is pregnant.

Wait, wait, I'll put up her link so you guys can read it by yourself:

Yah, begitulah.. Mungkin kalian bertanya, emangnya apa saja langkah yang sudah kamu lakukan, Petz?
I went to a sinshe in Banjar Wijaya, waktu itu sinshe bilang sperm suami terlalu encer, jadi ditusuk lah kami berdua, dan aku dibilang bagus womb nya, dan mungkin dilakukan sedikit perbaikan untuk mempermudah jalur sperma masuk ke dalam.
Jujur, aku kaget ternyata disana harus tusuk jarum. I have experiences di tusuk jarum: untuk mengobati asmaku sewaktu kecil, dan rasanya tidak pernah terlupakan.
So, kebayang dong kagetnya aku ketika tahu ternyata harus tusuk jarum :p

Tusuk, tusuk, tusuk.. Aku datang ke tempat tersebut 3x pertemuan total (sampai sekarang) dan entah aku lupa atau gmn, tapi sepertinya tidak ada panggilan untuk datang lagi kesana..

Dan kungkung ku pun menawarkan untuk datang ke sinshe Tai Seng Ho. Well, aku baru tau kalau we have to make appointments at 1 PM a day before. Disini aku menghitung menit-menit sebelum aku bisa menelepon sinshe tersebut.

Ah, aku bingung benar.. Ternyata hamil itu tidak sembarang tek-dung, teman-temanku banyak yang tanya bagaimana sih rasanya kehidupan setelah merid, hahahaha harus kubilang, marriage is not just a day, it's your life and pregnancy is not as easy as everyone said it would be.

You need to be stress-free, healthy, fit, eat good stuff and money-ready. And that's not all, your husband should be as fit as you too. It is complicated and worse if you don't know what's wrong with your body and what need to be fixed. All those medics and consultation of course will need money and your time.

So, malah jadi ngalor ngidul nih hahaha.. Disini aku cuma akan menceritakan pengalamanku mendapatkan seorang keturunan, aku harap by the end of this post, I too can get a happy ending seperti writer yang kuceritakan tadi ya...

 I will continue this later on.. Wish me luck :3

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